What is Dragonchain

This component provides enterprises with access to critical resources through the open market. Azure has a unique way of packaging things for building enterprise blockchain applications such as a blockchain workbench. Azure Blockchain Workbench is an apt service for those who would like to run blockchain applications, without having to set up networks and infrastructures. In addition, developers have access to Azure’s Active Directory for managing private keys and blockchain identities. Since Azure is “agnostic”, they have a range of protocol options for users to experiment with. Dragonchain currently uses Interchain to record hashes on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Chain and Ethereum Classic.

  • This results in every transaction being secured with a great deal of hash power and staking value in a very scalable way.
  • The objective is to provide a significant cost and speed to market advantage​.
  • Dragonchain Inc. recently announced a partnership with Medek Health, a Florida health service provider, thereby entering the healthcare sector.
  • This is where developers create and store their smart contracts and other essential data.
  • With the integration of the PRNG at the core of our architecture, we now offer every customer Quantum Safe data protection.
  • Placed side by side, the bookkeeping entries of both parties to a given transaction are congruent.
  • This blockchain network describes this form of layered security as a “blockchain of blockchains”.

Dragonchain has focused on interoperability between private blockchain platforms since their early days at Disney, in 2014. In 2016, they were the first multi-chain hybrid to tap into the Bitcoin public blockchain from their private blockchains within Disney. In 2016, Disney released the platform as open-source software and in 2017 Joe Roets, Founder, and CEO of Dragonchain, built the commercial Dragonchain, Inc. Dragonchain is combing innovation and the advantages of blockchain technology to help businesses develop, test, and deploy enterprise blockchain applications faster and gain time-to-market advantage.

Block Definition

The stakeholders in the ecosystems can visit the marketplace to compare, evaluate and support various projects. They will have communication access to legal, technical and financial experts who can advise non-technical individuals in their areas of expertise. This makes it easier for businesses to get involved with blockchain and smart contract projects. Enterprise businesses require flexibility in the software they use. Many times when looking at blockchain solutions; flexibility tends to be a big problem. This is prevalent when evaluating blockchains that are only public.

I neither, until I found out about Dragonchain, an ICO platform with a cool name, that has grown over 600% in recent months. An ERC-20 token is a token created on the Ethereum network for a specific purpose. Because DRGN is currently trading on smaller platforms, https://www.tokenexus.com/ the DragonChain price could spike higher in the event that a larger exchange like Binance or Poloniex began offering a trading pair including DRGN. Regarding the Slumber Swap solution, users should consider that the official site has been shut down.

What is Dragonchain?

The platform utilizes tokenization to incentivize content creators to post accurate and useful information. Dragon Den is built to reduce the amount of spam, misinformation, and trolling that is common on popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. These nodes are hosted by third parties that cryptographically sign data that emerges from level 3 nodes. Remember, blockchain is both transparent and immutable What is Dragonchain which helps in creating a permanent record of transactions. It is very simple to follow a paper trail in the blockchain for internal (and governmental) auditing purposes because the accuracy of the data is guaranteed. Blockchain provides a digital signature along with a time stamp and chain of records that keep the sets of books along with a hash of the data in the previous blocks that chains the data together.

What is Dragonchain

Dragons will be further used to reward and incentivize developers contributing to the open-source code of DRGN and other projects. Dragons are an ERC-20 token and can be stored in any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens. With our accessible, flexible, and secure platform, we will shape the future of technology to protect the world’s data with measurable proof. There will be a transition period where all parties involved learn about each other and devise solutions to bridge the gap between legacy and emerging technology. Blockchain as a service companies face a lot of pressure to install, deploy, and manage their environments in a quick and effective manner.


Most of these offerings are geared to sell more cloud services and storage — and therefore possibly missing some key elements necessary to leverage the capabilities of the underlying technology. Additionally, blockchain specific vendors such as ourselves, Dragonchain, also offers BaaS with a host of others making a play as well. Interchain™ is a combination of smart contracts that can watch a blockchain of the user’s choice for incoming transactions and fire smart contracts on Dragonchain or another public blockchain.

What is Dragonchain

Level 3 nodes also enhance the protocol’s security by distributing the attack surface of databases that live in the Dragonchain ecosystem. Interchain gives any businesses access to scalable, easy-to-use technology with access to all ERC20 and NEP5 tools. They are able to build their own ultimate blockchain with access to the resources of every other chain. The Dragonchain ecosystem is the grouping of interconnected blockchains, web tools, services, and resources built on Dragonchain. A blockchain is a time-stamped series of immutable data that is managed by a cluster of distributed networks or computers. Each of these blocks of data are secured and bound to each other using cryptographic principles creating a «chain» of blocks.

Dragon Slumber Score

Dragons will have a value that reflects the value of all the fundamental aspects of Dragonchain, combining the platform, ecosystem, and incubator. The developers behind the project expect that the value will continue to increase while the ecosystem matures, making it a solid long-term investment. The token for Dragonchain, Dragons, were available via a token sale. The public offering accounts for 55 percent, or 238,421,940 Dragons. The team receives 20 percent (86,698,887 tokens), with 10 percent (43,349,444 Dragons) each going to the reserve and foundation. The tokens for the team are locked and then released over the course of two years.

What is Dragonchain

It’s no secret the path toward the adoption of blockchain technology into our everyday lives has been a slow one. With multiple chains and multiple legacy systems to integrate, it has been a challenge to find a way for everything to connect. That challenge, although immense, needs to be met for blockchain technology to grow. As of April 14, 2020, Dragonchain has had 22,950 total Interchain™ transactions. Each transaction that flows through Dragon Net accumulates security leveraging all interchained blockchains. So not only is a transaction secured by an individual chain, it is secured by all chains connected to Dragon Net.

Furthermore, currency restrictions limit the practical application of smart contracts in the real world. Dragonchain’s feature of being able to create smart contracts, with or without currencies, and its support of multiple currencies gives it a broader appeal. You wouldn’t have expected Disney to join the cryptocurrency craze, but that’s exactly what has happened. Now that the sale is over, Dragons are used to access any part of the platform.

  • Since interoperability became the buzzword of the moment, article after article tells the same story.
  • This public accessibility can cause concerns for security of the data.
  • This task is performed without revealing the encrypted data and business logic that stays in the private business node.
  • The interoperability that Interchain™ provides allows the company to interface active data with legacy medical records.
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