A user-friendly portfolio helps showcase your proficiency and relevant skills, highlighting the unique value you’ll bring to potential employers. Having your own portfolio attached to your resume will increase your chances of standing out from the competition. Although seemingly abstract, the website offers a deep sense of mystery that somehow grabs the attention of a typical web user, encouraging them to continue scrolling down. The interesting thing about this website is its ease of navigation.

  • Lastly, you’ll want to add a phone number as a secondary contact option.
  • As we mentioned, recruiters go through many applicants, so they’ll be scanning for specific words and phrases.
  • Give people the opportunity to choose how they want to access your information.
  • Wanda enjoys helping people become more successful online by sharing her expertise in digital marketing and website development.
  • For these reasons, you must publish a coding repository alongside your portfolio.

Additionally, he makes great use of screenshots to illustrate his previous work, creating an attention-grabbing effect. His website drives you to his work through beautiful experiences becoming its own example of what how to become a front end developer Simon is capable of. Example for those who want to impress visitors and provide detailed information. She’s also very popular on Twitter and has spoken at plenty of events for web developers, postcasts and interviews.

What Is a Front end Developer Portfolio?

After learning the required skills for the role and building a technical resume, creating a Front-End Developer portfolio is the next step in the job-seeking process. But, while many industries require portfolios, they look very different between roles — so knowing what to include is key. A lovely portfolio template for any web developer to showcase their CV and Resume.

I call it my «annual portfolio refresh» and use it as an opportunity to try new things and continue learning. As you cannot comprehend everything in one screenshot, I recommend checking Jack’s portfolio. His strong communication and client service skills enhance his process-driven management philosophy. Your attention is immediately drawn to the name, which is shown in large, bold, all-caps letters in the center of the page. Full Stack Software Engineer and «Based in India» cycle through the subtitle, which is styled as an active terminal. It’s always a constant balancing act to make sure your portfolio has neither too much nor too little content.

Links to Various Portals

It’s also important to specify on your portfolio that the project is a cloned work or recreation of someone else’s design. A common challenge for junior developers is cloning the Google homepage. Cloning a site can help you familiarize yourself with web development and design. A testimonial can be something as simple as a few sentences about a specific service provided to a client. Only include those accounts that are relevant to your industry. Give people the opportunity to choose how they want to access your information.

front end developer portfolios

There are many ways to judge the results of your work — page load time, number of visitors, revenue, user interactions, complexity of code. Regardless of what metric you use, showcasing and being able to talk about the results of your project can set you apart https://remotemode.net/ as a hiring candidate. As a front end developer, a portfolio is a place to show your code itself, as well as your projects, personality, and UI/UX sensibilities. There are different platforms, such as GitHub, GitLab, and SourceForge to host your portfolio.

Do you want to stack your portfolio with lick-the-screen pretty projects?

Ideal for web developers with many media and text content to include in their portfolio. He uses a basic layout to describe himself, his work, and his skills. In handy if you have many media and texts to include in your developer portfolio website.

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